The new Sims 4 expansion that lets you be a landlord is already changing the way players see their Sim communities

Electronic Arts
(Image credit: Electronic Arts)

The Sims 4 has been one of the life-sim series' longest-running and most content-packed entries. However, the upcoming For Rent expansion, which allows players to be property owners with new buildings and tenants to look after, has made waves through the community due to its potential for pushing the Sims in-game community to its limits.

In a recent roundup from PCGamesN, the community for The Sims 4 has been buzzing following new information and footage of the upcoming new expansion that lets you be a landlord in a new exotic location. Many players are already planning out ideas for their new property, and some even deciding on how to be Sim-style landlord.

The next expansion introduces a new feature that allows a player's Sim to purchase property in a new town called Tomarang, inspired by various towns and cities in Southeast Asia. The new town features activities and points of interest like a botanical garden and night markets, but it's also a place with potential for real estate growth. In Tomarang, players can buy a free lot and build a single or multi-unit home for multiple families and solo renters - which has been a long-requested feature.

On the surface, that seems like a normal expansion for The Sims; however, a regular past-time that long-time Sims players have is looking for ways to push the game's systems as far as they can go. Even ahead of the December 7 release, players are already planning ways to build up property and maximize growth as much as fast as possible ahead. According to a dev on The Sims 4, it's possible to build a multi-unit dwelling with 48 Sims in the building - possibly more if you know how to bend and "cheat" the system.

As The Sims is about taking part in a life and social sim, For Rent also adds new mechanics and emotions that property owners must look after. These include managing mold within the homes and dealing with tenant eviction anxieties if they miss paying rent - which can lead to evictions if you so choose. While The Sims 4: For Rent seems to give you a free hand in how you want to be a landlord - either as a respectable, honest property owner or a greedy landowner - there are checks and balances in the game, and tenants can even rebel against property owners if you push them far enough

In a dev blog post, property management gameplay was described like this: "While being at home can be relaxing, Property Owners may face a tenant revolt if you allow your ratings to slip too low, amongst other potential surprises including insect infestations, and challenges including mold."

Given the recent hardships of renting in most countries, it's an interesting and timely expansion that's on the way for the life-sim game. The Sims 4 community is sure to push the new features of the upcoming expansion in some big ways, and given how lively and rowdy Sims players can get, especially when adding mods, the results from this new expansion will undoubtedly grab the attention of many.

For more on games like The Sims 4, check out our collection of the best simulator games to play right now.

Alessandro Fillari

Alessandro is a freelance writer and editor based in the San Francisco Bay Area who has covered the games, tech, and entertainment industries for more than 13 years. Having previously worked at GameSpot, CNET, and various other outlets writing features and coordinating event coverage, Alessandro enjoys playing games on PC, but also gives plenty of time to his Nintendo Switch. You can find him on various socials at @afillari.