Mel Gibson gets his Beaver out

When we first heard that Jodie Foster had signed on to direct Mel Gibson in a film called The Beaver , about a man who keeps a beaver puppet on his hand and treats it as a person, we assumed it was a tardy April fools.

Alas, it is indeed a real project, and the first paparazzi shots of Mad Mel with his Beaver puppet have appeared on the international computer web.

Check out the pics, courtesy of the chivalrous individuals at ScreenCrave

There he is folks, Mad Mel, the highest grossing movie star 1989-1991, fisting a beaver.

Does this look like the most ridiculous thing since since the invention of ridicule? Golden Raspberries and YouTube memes galore await.

The Beaver is released in 2011. It's going to be awesome.

Too much like Mr. Hat from South Park? Does it give you the urge to shout 'it's a puppet!' Speak.