10 Best Moments In The New Man Of Steel Trailer
Snyder's Superman soars to the next level…

Big blue boy scout
We love the moment when Superman explains the origin of his suit's S, but that's not our favorite part of this scene.
No, we like the fact that Supes says 'Excuse me' when he and Lois are rudely interrupted by the military tannoy.
One of the greatest aspects of the character is his politeness, and his humbleness. It seems that Snyder and Nolan have retained that key aspect of the comics.
Not only that, but Cavill delivers it beautifully.
And if you haven't seen it already, watch the epic trailer below...

Online critics of Zack Snyder's style always complain about his love of slo-mo.
When he was first announced as Man Of Steel director, they joked it would have to be four hours long to fit in all the slow motion scenes.
Well, here's the response - Superman isn't slow, he's fast . Faster than a speeding bullet, in fact - demonstrated literally here.
It's one of many blink-and-you'll-miss it moments in this amazing trailer.

It's the first goosebump moment in a trailer filled with them.
"He'll be an outcast, they'll kill him."
One word, delivered with power, emotion and wonder.
We were excited when we first saw Steel 's cast confirmed, Crowe, Fishburne, Costner, Adams, Shannon, Lane, and several other heavy-hitters.
On this trailer's evidence, they're all hitting it out of the park.

Papa Costner
Crowe gave us goosebumps, but Costner actually made us well up here.
"Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?"
"You are my son."
Simple words written down, but Costner's delivery puts a lump into our throats faster than, well, you know the rest.

Quiver before Zod
This is our first proper glimpse at Shannon's Zod, and what a glimpse it is.
The rage and fury Shannon puts into his one line actually makes us fear for Superman's safety, something we didn't think would be possible before we saw this trailer.
Forget kneeling, we want to pelt it in the opposite direction before this Zod.
"You believe your son is safe? I WILL FIND HIM."

If you actually encountered Superman, your jaw would hit the floor. This trailer does its best to replicate that experience, with a series of eye-rubbingly beautiful shots.
This moment sees Superman at the center of what appears to be an energy weapon, something we've admittedly seen in several films before. But it's never looked liked this. It's like an effing painting!

There are several sequences of Superman in flight in this latest trailer, and it seems like Snyder's team have spent a lot of time getting the physics right.
If a man could fly, this is how it would look. The original film was sold on the back of the concept 'You'll believe a man can fly' this film looks to deliver on that promise.

Zod's power
He's arguably Superman's greatest foe (pipe down Doomsday fans), certainly in terms of the way he mixes pure power with tactical intelligence.
And this latest trailer demonstrates that power, mirroring Zod with what we've seen of Superman so far.
Superman's invulnerable to flames? Well, so's Zod. And not only that, he's wearing some sort of weird space-suit. Mix that with the aforementioned rage, and you've got a terrifying villain.

Power Punch
As lovely as they were, the previous trailers didn't contain much action. This full trailer more than makes up for it, with several great sequences.
It's hard to pick a favorite, but the sight of Superman punching a villain (presumably Zod) ACROSS THE SKY is pretty high up on our list.

Amy's Lane
This isn't just the first time we're hearing Zod's voice, it's the first time we get to listen to Amy Adams' take on Lois Lane.
Via her brief voice-over, and her short scene with Cavill, we get a sense that Adams' Lois will be determined, feisty, and cool. And also a little bit cheeky.
We like.
Man Of Steel is released on 14 June. We can't wait.
Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at GamesRadar+.