Superman wants to be in the World of Warcraft movie

Talking to MTV at Comic-Con while wearing in a green shirt that%26rsquo;s famous to most WoW fanboys, at least in this office, Routh declares his love of WoW, his excitement about the upcoming movie and his interest in a possible role. When asked if he was hoping to land a part, Routh pondered, "you might get a little action, a little sword fighting, that would be a lot of fun.%26rdquo;

While we all wait for the World of Warcraft film to actually get made with Evil Dead/Spider-Man director Sam Raimi at the helm, you can see Routh really soon in the very videogame-inspired Scott Pilgrim movie. Meanwhile, we%26rsquo;ll have our fingers crossed that Brnadon gets replaced as Superman byJon Hamm of Mad Men.


Aug 6, 2010