Anonymous fires back at Sony and media accusations

Suggesting that journalists "pause to protect the integrity of their professions," the collective explains, “Just like Anonymous, John Doe and Joe Bloggs are placeholders, rather than proper names, and are available for free use without repercussions. There is no membership to Anonymous and anyone can claim to be a 'member.'" Thereleasegoes on to criticize several articles in particular and Sony's security, saying "liabilities" in the company's data policy lead to issues "beyond providing free game credits."

Meanwhile,variouspublicationsare spinning tales of a schism within Anonymous, claiming thatrivals within the collective have launched competing assaults: DDoS attacks on AnonOps sites by a former administrator of the IRC network, whose personal details were published shortly after by the "real" Anonymous... a little hard to countenance if you go by Anonymous' own definition of itself.

May 10, 2011