Untold Legends Dark Kingdom

Details on the PS3's launch library are still scant following the flurry of announcements on March 15, but there have been a few solid confirmations. One of these is Untold Legends Dark Kingdom, which will bring the hack-and-slash series from Sony's handheld to its next-gen console in November.

While we haven't yet seen much of the game (aside from some early footage that showed a hulking barbarian running around and punching monsters in the head), Dark Kingdom looks like a next-gen version of Sony's Champions games. Assuming it plays anything like the PSP Untold Legends titles,it looks to bea an Action RPG featuring plenty of puzzles, exploration and slashing - mostly slashing - through creep-filled dungeons, villages and forests.

Players will be able to choose from three character classes: brute, mage or scout. This seems a little surprising to us initially, as the PSP Untold Legends games have both given the player a choice of five different types of monster destroyer. But the developers promise that the combat will be much deeper and more varied than on the PSP, so perhaps this is the trade-off.

With a plot written by sci-fi/fantasy novelist Keith Baker, Dark Kingdom will cast players as a fugitive soldier in the lands they've defended for years. The king you used to serve has been horribly corrupted, and has unleashed hordes of monsters across the countryside. Naturally, it's up to you to set things right by raining down horrible violence on whatever grotesqueries cross your path.

Mikel Reparaz
After graduating from college in 2000 with a BA in journalism, I worked for five years as a copy editor, page designer and videogame-review columnist at a couple of mid-sized newspapers you've never heard of. My column eventually got me a freelancing gig with GMR magazine, which folded a few months later. I was hired on full-time by GamesRadar in late 2005, and have since been paid actual money to write silly articles about lovable blobs.