Ultimate Mario Party 8 guide

Rotation Station
Mario 64 fans should have no trouble with this, it’s just like a platformer. Get to the top as fast as possible.

Rotation Station
Mario 64 fans should have no trouble with this, it’s just like a platformer. Get to the top as fast as possible.

-You can tilt the camera by titling the Remote, but don’t get bogged down in it since you can see most everything and it wastes time. Instead of waiting for floating blocks jump whenever possible.
-You can clear a little over the size of an average block.

Rowed to Victory
Use your Wii Remote as a boat our and get to the island first.

-You’ll have to work with your boat mate here, cause if you row to fast you’ll steer yourself off course. Make sure you’re pointed in the direction you want before you stoke. Good use of the Wii Remote, but watch out for logs and sticks.

Rudder Madness
Guide your amphibious lilypad across the finish using the Wii remote as a rudder

-Try your damnedest not to collide with fellow racers. It’ll only slow you down.
-Remember: It’s not the person who hits the finish line first, unlike most games, it’s who crosses it entirely. You perspective is a little skewed so don’t let up, even if you think you’ve got it made in the shade.

Saucer Swarm
Manning a cosmic turret, tilt the controller back and forth to shoot some alien robots right out of *batteries not included.

Starting out, strafe back and forth tapping your shot constantly. As enemies get closer, then start focusing on the closer ones specifically. And keep an eye out for the gold alien, he’s worth 3 points on his own.

Scooter Pursuit
Holding the controller classic style, tilt and shoot within a battle arena to get the most hits in thirty seconds.

-Tilting forward and backward can get tricky. Rather than over work yourself, stay put strafing left and right blasting your opponents as they scramble frantically. Works well in single player, but as your friends catch on, it’ll produce varying degrees of success.

Settle it in Court
Fling your Remote forward to make a basket

-Don’t try to develop a rythum since balls will come out at varying speeds.
-Watch for goombas, press A instead shooting traditionally.

Shake it up
Okay let’s be mature about this: You hold the Remote like a can of soda and shake it up and down vigorously for an eventual eruption. Extra humourous while sitting down. Take in victory’s spoils by drinking a glass of your expulsion. Stop laughing!

-A smaller, more concentrated shake will do you better. Think more like you’d actually shake a can of soda, and less like *cough* greasing a pole.

Sick and Twisted
All four players must jump across spinning platforms and make it to the finish.

-Being the last alive won’t win the game. You’ve gotta finish. Stay back on a solid platform, because the spinning ones will drop, letting the camera pan ahead so you can see the Bullet Bills and have plenty of time to react.
