Ultimate Mario Party 8 guide

Flip the Chimp
Warning: Falling Cocunuts! In a slight nod to Donkey Kong Jr., flip your monkey from side to side to avoid descending fruits.

Flip the Chimp
Warning: Falling Cocunuts! In a slight nod to Donkey Kong Jr., flip your monkey from side to side to avoid descending fruits.

-Simply watch the top of the screen for the first sight of malicious cocnuts.

Frozen Assets
Punch falling iceicles to reveal hidden jems, collect the most and win.

-Jumping andpunching to stunopponents works nicely
-Even better, focus on breaking the ice in the upper screen. Let your opponent bust the lowericicles and you can pick up his gem as it flies upwards and left.

Fruit Picker
A wheel of fruit appears, then you have to memorize where they are

-Find the apple, and recite, at least, the two fruits surrounding it. As the wheel spins, follow the apple’s placement. Even if you can’t remember the other two, this narrows down your options significantly.

Glacial Meltdown
Settle down, Al Gore. It’s just a (mini)game. Hold the controller classic style, and try and knock your opponents off a slip-slidy iceberg.

Hit 2, then 1 to jump kick foes into the water. Jumping on beetles are also a quick way of sending opponents to a Dicaprio-esque fate.

Grabbin’ Gold
Two tanks with falling coins and spinies, one player on the left, the other three on the right.

-Players on the right have the advantage. Spinies should be avoided, but even if a player is stunned the other two can pull on.
-Remember not to tilt the remote too far, as it’s easy to overshoot your goal and hit a spinny.

Grabby Gridiron
A two on two game. Catch balls and toss them in the goal to win the game

-You can steal your opponents balls, so don’t hesitate.

Gun the Runner
The Mario equivalent of Die Hard. Three players gun down one player trying to reach the top of a scaffolding.

-The projectiles are slow, so you’ll have to anticipate where the player will be. But once you do, you can time your shot to keep him/her from ever getting up again.
- A little unfair for the runner. Moving platforms leave you vulnerable, so avoid them when possible.
