The Godfather cheats
A great (if repetitive) car-crime game that immerses you in the movie's 1940s gangster drama.
PS2 | Submitted by Jsanc
Unlock Movies
At the pause menu
To unlock movies, press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Square, L3
Xbox 360 | Submitted by TH3 B4k3R
Full Health
Pause Menu
Left, X, Right, Y, Right, L3
Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Ed. note: This cheat may only work on current-gen versions.
X, Y, X, X, Y, L3
Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Unlock Film Clips
Y, X, Y, X, X, L3
Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Full Ammo
Y, left, Y, right, X, R3
PC | Submitted by luke
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
Type in holiday inn to turn invisible
PC | Submitted by Imm0
Full Ammo
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
At the Pause Menu enter stracci
PS2 | Submitted by Jsanc
Easy Cash And Respect
If you happen to find a racket truck outside your safe house(s), start shooting it so the truck's back door opens. Whack the goons inside, take the money left over, and interrogate the driver.
Xbox | Submitted by the cheat master
At the pause menu
X, Y, X, X, Y, L3
Xbox | Submitted by the cheat master
Refill Health
At the pause menu
Left, X, Right, Y, Right, L3
Xbox | Submitted by the cheat master
Refill Ammo
At the pause menu
Y, Left, Y, Right, X, R3
Xbox | Submitted by kirk
Unlock Movies
At the pause menu
Press Y, X, Y, X, X, L3 (click) to unlock movies.
PS2 | Submitted by sam triggs
Full Health
At the pause menu
Left, Square, Right, Circle, Right, L3
PS2 | Submitted by Joris van Extel
At the pause menu
Square, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, L3
PS2 | Submitted by Joris van Extel
Full Ammo
At the pause menu
Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Square, R3
PC | Submitted by Imm0
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
At the Pause Menu enter tattaglia
PC | Submitted by Imm0
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
At the Pause Menu enter cuneo
PC | Submitted by Peter.H
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
At the Pause Menu enter HOLIDAY INN
PC | Submitted by Imm0
Full Health
Go to the Pause Menu (by pressing ESC) and enter the code using the keyboard
At the Pause Menu enter corleone
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Cjfogler13
Execution Styles
For the executions that require you to press RB, your enemy must be low enough on health for it to work. Only performing the execution styles on mobsters will count toward the execution achievements.
Back Of The Head execution: Use a pistol and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Barehanded Kneeling execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press RB.
Barehanded Standing execution: Without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Between The Eyes execution: Use a revolver and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Blackhand execution: Kill your enemy with your fists without grabbing them.
Blackhand Grapple execution: Kill your enemy with your fists while grabbing them.
Bombs Away execution: Kill your enemy with dynamite, a bomb, an explosive barrel, or an explosive crate.
Bottle execution: Kill your enemy by throwing a bottle at them.
Chin Up execution: Use a 2x4 and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.
Clavicle Crush execution: Use a tire iron and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Cocktail Hour execution: Kill your enemy with a Molotov.
Crooked Cop execution: Use a police baton and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Disarmed execution: Shoot your enemy in the shoulder to make them drop their weapon.
Double Play execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, use a baseball bat and stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press RB.
Face-off execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a shotgun. Lock on to them and press RB.
Foot In Mouth execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a magnum. Lock on to them, then press RB.
Gut Shot execution: Use a shotgun and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Hard Head execution: Kill your enemy by slamming their head into a counter or other low object.
Hats Off execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a pistol. Lock on to them and press RB.
Headstrong execution: Use a Tommy gun and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
How's Your Leg execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a golf club or shovel. Lock on to them, and press RB.
Kneecapped execution: Shoot your enemy in the knee.
Last Gasp execution: Strangle your enemy to death with your bare hands.
Look at Me execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, use a revolver and stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press RB.
Magnum execution: Kill your enemy with a magnum.
Melee Weapon execution: Kill your enemy using any melee weapon.
Neck Boned execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a tire iron. Lock on to them and press RB.
Neck Kink execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, use a police baton and stand in front of your enemy. While they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press RB.
Over Cooked execution: Throw your enemy into a furnace. Furnaces can be found in bakeries and funeral homes.
Pipe Down execution: Use a lead pipe and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Pistol execution: Kill your enemy with a pistol.
Protect Ya Neck execution: Use a golf club or shovel and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Revolver execution: Kill your enemy with a revolver.
Riddled With Lead execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a Tommy gun, lock on to them, and press RB.
Road Rage execution: Kill your enemy by running them over with a car.
Shotgun execution: Kill your enemy with a shotgun.
Sicilian Candle execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a 2x4, lock on to them, and press RB. 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street.
Silent Assassin execution: Strangle your enemy to death using the garrote wire.
Stained Glass execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them through a window.
Sure Shot execution: Kill your enemy with a head shot.
Taste My Chamber execution: Use a magnum and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB.
Tommy Gun execution: Kill your enemy with a Tommy gun.
Traffic Accident execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them in front of a moving vehicle. Do not stand in front of traffic or it will stop; stand to the side of the road.
Wallpapered execution: Kill your enemy by slamming them against a wall.
Watch Your Step execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them off a roof, ledge, two-story window, etc.
Wrenched execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get directly in front of them while holding a lead pipe, lock on to them, and press RB.
You're Out execution: Use a baseball bat and stand in front of your enemy. While they are standing, lock onto them and press RB. Note: There is a glitch with the onscreen message, which will call it a "Melee Standing Execution".
PS2, PC, Xbox, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Levi Eubanks
Unlimited Money And Respect
After completing the first mission, save your game and quit before answering the phone down stairs. Re-load your game and you will recieve the $500 and 500 respect you got from that mission again. You can re-save and re-load to get these rewards as many times as you would like.
PS2, PC, Xbox, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Tim Carson
$1,000 In First Mission
In the first mission(not the prelude),after you customize your character. When you are fighting the thugs after luca Brasi introduces himself, if you throw one of the thugs into the crate by the wall, it should break open and there will be $1,000 in it. You can also open other crates (not all of them), and there might be money in them.
PS2 | Submitted by Charley Lee
Taking Over Cargo Hubs Easily
First you have to get a good car then charge through the road blocks then kill everyone you can there will be about two men on the balconies above you. Then, once everyone is dead, a slide door will open with a truck poking out go in here and there should be at least three men inside with tommy guns. Kill them as fast as you can then run up the stairs to outside where you will be greeted by another man with either a tommy gun or shotgun then go down the steps to the front door. Go in and shoot all the men that attack you then run upstairs and turn left to a room with two men in it. Kill them both then go straight forward from the room to the room where the boss is. Aim your gun at him and he will pay more then grab him and he will pay even more (in this room there is usually a guard) then pay him off and you get a lot of respect and money.
PS2 | Submitted by Charley Lee
Easily Robbing Small Banks
Ok if its a small bank heres wot you do (it's best if you bribe the sargeant at the police station) when you first walk in go straight to the main room where the vault is. There should be three guards, two by the vault. Go up to the first guard on his own casually then walk past just so he knows you're there, then walk past everyone to the guard on the left hand side. He has a shotgun - quickly shoot him then the other guard next to him then turn around to shoot the other guard running at you then get out your dynamite and blow the vault -press R at the vault- then get the money and go to the front of the building and hijack a near by car then race straight to your safehouse that should be quite close.
PS2 | Submitted by Jimmy H.
Taking Verona Warehouse
To take down this warehouse, first when you get close, walk to the part where the entrance is not visible, crouch before reaching the fence to avoid detection. You should see two or three gang people (Tattaligias), anyway start picking them off (go for headshots to save ammo, there are a lot of guys). After you get rid of some, wall cover to the right of where you are, you should see a roadblock, I would recommend the magnum or pistol to pick them off. You are not done yet, be careful, still use the wall to check for remainder of people still guarding the entrance, the biggest challenge is always the front yard. Still crouching walk a little closer and if you are being shot at, look up, some guys might be on the walkway, adjust your reticle until you can hit him, usually there is two. After that, still crouching, go upstairs and peek around the corners for stationary guards, pick them off with a pistol and buy out the guy in the other room. Congrats, you have just seized control of Little Italy. Corleones will not move in to the building until everyone is dead inside. When near windows, always crouch and check to see if there are any, if so, go around to the other side and shoot through the glass to kill them. This was tough but well worth it, every week you can get about 12,000 dollars from this guy.
PS2 | Submitted by Phillip Gaston
More Respect
To get more respect aim at the head or chest and kill the person with the pistol. This will not work with the shotgun.
PS2 | Submitted by Frankie
Unlimited Molotovs
Go to the closest church to your origanal safe house in Little Italy. Once you are there, go to the basement. Once you are there you'll see a molotov. Take it and then leave the church and then come back in. Go back to the place where you got the molotov. You'll see there's another molotov there. Repeat until you have as much as you can carry.
PS2 | Submitted by Phillip Gaston
Faster Driving
Anywhere in a car
When you are driving hold the R1 button and the X button and you will drive faster, especially in the Corleone Car.
Xbox | Submitted by Jsanc
Easy Cash And Respect
If you happen to find a racket truck outside your safe house(s), start shooting it so the truck's back door opens. Whack the goons inside, take the money left over, and interrogate the driver.
PC | Submitted by Freddy Ware
Tattaglia Compound
When you think you are ready for the challenge, take on a compound. The Tattaglias in northeast Brooklyn might be the weakest family in New York, but that does not mean they are going to let you walk right in. Bring some bombs along and blow up the support pillars in the basements. You may start a mob war, but if you are successful you will have a new safe house with a group of guards.
PC | Submitted by Freddy Ware
Extorting Businesses
When you are having trouble extorting business owners, try destroying some of their property and/or hold a gun to their face. For example, when you are trying to take over Good Eats in Brooklyn. you can hold the gun to the man's face then reholster the gun and try extortion again. He will refuse. Simply draw your gun again, lock on, and hold it. Keep doing this until he caves in. Do not forget to reholster your gun to avoid accidentally shooting him. In another example, when you are trying to extort money from the hotel owner in Brooklyn, hold a gun to him twice, break the downstairs cupboard, then finally blow his safe before you beat him into submission. Always buy available rackets first. Take a trip around to either buy another racket or go around the block. Do not attack until you visit again, and instead of enemy soldiers you will find all your soldiers. By doing this you do not have to fight a bunch of enemies and get your vendetta up.
PS2, PC, Xbox, Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Unlimited Ammo
Become the Don of NYC.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Arms Dealer (10) - Purchase a Firearm Upgrade.
Assassin (10) - Earn 5 Execution Styles.
Bank Robber (10) - Heist all Banks at least once.
Bodyguard (10) - Hire a Crew Member.
Contract Killer (25) - Complete all Hits.
Debt Collector (30) - Collect all 100 Film Reels
Demanding Respect (20) - Reach Respect Level 40.
Demolitions Expert (10) - Bomb a Business.
Diplomat (20) - Help all Merchants.
Don of NYC (50) - Reach the rank of the Don of the NYC.
Earner (10) - Extort 10 Businesses.
Enforcer (10) - Take Over 5 Rackets.
Entrepreneur (15) - Collect 10 Film Reels.
Executioner (40) - Complete all Execution Styles.
First Sign of Respect (5) - Reach Respect Level 10.
For the Family (25) - Complete all Missions.
Forced Entry (10) - Heist a Bank.
Front Man (50) - Take over all Fronts.
Gaining Respect (10) - Reach Respect Level 20.
Heavyweight Champ (25) - Win all Prize Fights.
Jack of All Trades (25) - Reach Respect Level 45.
Knockout King (15) - Win a Prize Fight.
Making an Impression (15) - Reach Respect Level 30.
Negotiator (5) - Bribe a Police Chief.
Neighborhood Control (20) - Take over a Neighborhood.
No More Narcotics (30) - Bomb all Drug Rackets.
Petty Theft (10) - Crack 10 Safes.
Public Enemy Number One (50) - Reach Respect Level 50.
Real Estate Investor (10) - Purchase a Safehouse.
Real Estate Mogul (20) - Purchase/Own all Safehouses.
Rival Family Elimination (40) - Destroy all Rival Compounds.
Safecracker (30) - Crack all Safes.
Service Provider (25) - Complete all Favors.
Smuggler (10) - Hijack 10 Racket Trucks.
The Don (25) - Reach the rank of Don.
Total Domination (50) - Extort all Businesses.
Transport Takedown (30) - Seize all Transpot Hubs.
Warehouse Wrecker (30) - Seize all Warehouses.
Xbox | Submitted by Levi Eubanks
Infinite Ammo
Become "The Don of New York City", by "Extorting All Buisnesses", "Buying Out Rackets", and completing almost all of the hitman missions. Get at least 95.0% game completion.
PS2 | Submitted by sam triggs
Infinite Ammo/$1 Million
Once you reach 91.5% completion of the game you will be promoted to The Don of New York City and unlock Infinite Ammo and $1 Million.
PS2 | Submitted by the_mp
Flame On
If you get iced while holding a molatov cocktail in your hand, then when you are all healed, you will still have that flame on your hand. It will remain with you until you quit the game.
Xbox | Submitted by the cheat master
When you finish the first mission, you'll get $500. Save and quit then start the person up again and you'll get $500 and 500 respect. You can repeat as much as you want.
Xbox | Submitted by Vincent Anderson
Free Money
If you go to the Corleone Club on the corner (near the police chief) go upstairs and there will be 2 doors. Go into the one on your left. In there is a guy who wants a challenge. Before talking to him take out a gun and shoot him in the knee. Then shoot him until he dies. Some money should fall out; take it. If you leave real quick and then come back. he should be there again. Just keep doing the same thing until you are satisfied with how much money you have.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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