Say goodbye to your Mii

A simpler more laid back approach to gameplay compliments MySims’ playful look. Fans of the Sims series will notice that the “Needs” menu is absent from MySims’ HUD. “It’s more about being light hearted, fun, easy to play, and accessible, and really focusing on player creativity and building. So we would rather the player spend hours building really elaborate homes or furniture items and not have to worry about whether or not the Sim needs to go back to their home to use the bathroom or shower.” says Bendett.

A simpler more laid back approach to gameplay compliments MySims’ playful look. Fans of the Sims series will notice that the “Needs” menu is absent from MySims’ HUD. “It’s more about being light hearted, fun, easy to play, and accessible, and really focusing on player creativity and building. So we would rather the player spend hours building really elaborate homes or furniture items and not have to worry about whether or not the Sim needs to go back to their home to use the bathroom or shower.” says Bendett.

Above: Only the most stone cold serial killers will be able to resist MySims’ sugary sweetness

It should be noted that you can still make your Sim use the shower or sleep in their beds if you want. It’s just that you won’t find yourself paralyzed by an in-game Need to urinate. The fact that we won’t see our Sim clutching their crotch in pain because we refuse to let them do number one leaves us with mixed feelings. But for the most part, the freedom to focus on building and creating – instead of micromanaging your Sim’s Needs for sleep, hygiene, and bathroom breaks – seems refreshing.

There’s currently no word as to whether or not you’ll be able to invite your friend’s Sims to your own MySims town. Expect more details as the game’s fall, 2007 release draws nearer, and expect to see it here.
