Here are the Pokemon Go level rewards all the way up to level 40

If the new Legendary Pokemon just got you back into Pokemon Go you probably need to know exactly what you'll be unlocking next as you eat up that precious XP from raid battles. As you know, Pokemon Go isn't just about the Pokemon you catch, it's also about you as a trainer, growing stronger and gaining access to more powerful items as you level up. So, to help you be the very best and plan ahead, we've posted the full list of rewards (as reported on Reddit on TheSilphRoad) all the way up to Level 40. That's a lot of XP to make your way through. Better hope you're catching more than Pidgeys. 

Check out the Pokemon Go level rewards below so you know exactly what's coming your way next and how far you've got until you hit your next milestone. 

Level 1:  0

Level 2:  10 Poké Balls

Level 3:  15 Poké Balls

Level 4:  15 Poké Balls

Level 5 (unlocks Gyms, Potions, Revives):  20 Poké Balls, 10 Potions, 1 Incense, 10 Revives

Level 6:  15 Poké Balls, 10 Potions, 5 Revives, 1 Egg Incubator

Level 7: 15 Poké Balls, 10 Potions, 5 Revives, 1 Incense

Level 8 (unlocks Razz Berry): 15 Poké Balls, 10 Potions, 5 Revives, 10 Razz Berry, 1 Lure Module

Level 9: 15 Poké Balls, 10 Potions, 5 Revives, 3 Razz Berry, 1 Lucky Egg

Read more

How to choose how to evolve your Eevee 

Level 10 (unlocks Super Potions): 20 Poké Balls, 20 Super Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry, 1 Incense, 1 Lucky Egg, 1 Egg Incubator, 1 Lure Module

Level 11:  15 Poké Balls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Revives, 3 Razz Berry

Level 12 (unlocks Great Balls): 20 Great Balls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Revives, 3 Razz Berry

Level 13:  10 Great Balls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Revives, 3 Razz Berry

Level 14: 10 Great Balls, 10 Super Potions, 3 Revives, 3 Razz Berry

Level 15 (unlocks Hyper Potions):  15 Great Balls, 20 Hyper Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry, 1 Incense, 1 Lucky Egg, 1 Egg Incubator, 1 Lure Module

Level 16:  10 Great Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 Revives, 5 Razz Berry

Level 17: 10 Great Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 Revives, 5 Razz Berry

Level 18: 10 Great Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 Revives, 5 Razz Berry

Level 19:  15 Great Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 5 Revives, 5 Razz Berry

Level 20 (unlocks Ultra Balls):  20 Ultra Balls, 20 Hyper Potions, 20 Revives, 20 Razz Berry, 2 Incense, 2 Lucky Eggs, 2 Egg Incubators, 2 Lure Modules

 Level 21: 10 Ultra Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry

Level 22: 10 Ultra Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry

Level 23: 10 Ultra Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry

Level 24: 15 Ultra Balls, 10 Hyper Potions, 10 Revives, 10 Razz Berry

Level 25: (unlocks Max Potions) 25 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 15 Revives, 15 Razz Berry , 1 Incense, 1 Lucky Egg, 1 Egg Incubator, 1 Lure Module

Level 26: 10 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Revives, 15 Razz Berry 

Level 27: 10 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Revives, 15 Razz Berry 

Level 28: 10 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 29: 10 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 30: (unlocks Max Revives) 30 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 20 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry , 3 Incense, 3 Lucky Eggs, 3 Egg Incubators, 3 Lure Modules

Level 31: 30 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 32:  30 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 33:  30 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 34:  30 Ultra Balls, 15 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 15 Razz Berry

Level 35: 30 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 20 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry, 2 Incense, 1 Lucky Egg, 1 Lure Module

Level 36: 20 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry

Level 37: 20 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry

Level 38: 20 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry

Level 39: 20 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 20 Razz Berry

Level 40: 40 Ultra Balls, 40 Max Potions, 40 Razz Berry, 4 Incense, 4 Lucky Eggs, 4 Egg Incubators, 4 Lure Modules

>> Download: Pokémon GO - Niantic, Inc.

Sam Prell

Sam is a former News Editor here at GamesRadar. His expert words have appeared on many of the web's well-known gaming sites, including Joystiq, Penny Arcade, Destructoid, and G4 Media, among others. Sam has a serious soft spot for MOBAs, MMOs, and emo music. Forever a farm boy, forever a '90s kid.