Killzone 3 gets Kevin Butler'd in new TV spots

Kevin Butler, Sony's fictional VP of mildly-amusing departments, is putting his hyperbole to work for Killzone 3 in two new TV spots. Sony posted the ads on its PlayStation Blog earlier today, and announced that they'll be airing on networks like Comedy Central, ESPN, and G4 leading up to next week's release. The first is focused on Sony's new Sharpshooter Move peripheral, and the second champions the game itself:

We post the ads only because we find Sony's marketing monster oddly entertaining, evendespite our natural reflexive tendency to scoff at any advertising, or, as we call it when we're sipping white wine with our bohemian brethren (at only the least popular bars), 'mind-rotting corporate propaganda' (mi-ro-cor-pro for short).

On that note - who needs ads when we've already reviewed the game?

Feb 18, 2011

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