
Serial Experiments Lain

A surreal masterpiece in which 13-year-old Lain questions the nature of reality after receiving emails from a classmate who committed suicide a week before. The dead classmate claims to have shed her body in order to live inside the Wired - an advanced version of the internet. Lain customizes her computer to delve deeper into the secrets of the Wired, and the boundary between her real and virtual selves blurs as she discovers a religion founded by people who no longer exist in the physical world.

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Amazon.com sells the Region 1 box set for $40. Bargain.

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It was a sort of texty graphic novel thing, a bit like Hotel Dusk, on PS1 back in 1998. It would be best on the DS, to fit in with the HandyNAVI portable computer Lain uses to jack into the Wired while on the move.