Being Human USA 3.08 Your Body Is A Condemned Wonderland REVIEW

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Being Human USA 3.08 “Your Body Is A Condemned Wonderland” TV REVIEW

Episode N3.08
Writer: Nancy Won
Director: Kelly Makin

THE ONE WHERE Everything changes.

VERDICT This is what we’ve been waiting for. Until now – with a few exceptions – season three has been treading water, somewhat, and we’ve had to wait for the big, bold statements that defined much of last year’s season. By the end of this episode, none of our main characters are the same, some questions have been answered, and more are presented.

So, the bloody lingerie girls (that is to say, the girls in lingerie, covered in blood) that Aidan keeps seeing are ghosts, and not a product of his deranged imagination. That works so much better than the alternative – he’s already had Bishop hitching a ride in his subconscious and it would be too much to have another couple of guilt-phantoms tagging along. It also ups the tension when Nora discovers who they are, and why they’re dead: even Josh can’t talk her down from this one!

And Sally’s wearing hats, now! Her head sore is getting worse; it’s not just her skin, now – her hair is falling out. She’s decomposing. When she tells Max the truth about who she is, and what’s happened to her, he (rather startlingly) believes her, and runs off. Perhaps necrophilia is not his bag. When he visits her at home later, though, with his undertaker make-up kit to help her hide the decomposition, it’s a surprisingly touching scene.

When we discover that Nick (remember him? Nora’s reanimated buddy) has been trapping and eating live cats as a way to reverse his own decomposition, we know it’s only a matter of time before Nora does something similar, and judging by her consumption of a plateful of hamburger meat, the pest control companies in her neighbourhood are going to find work drying up pretty soon!

All of the best lines this week go to Josh. Some of the are repeated below, but his, “Will you marry me?” speech is beautifully done. Touching and heartfelt, and very, very Josh.

Liam – at last – shows us the claws we’ve always known he had, but never quite saw. Aidan’s is perhaps a little too willing to go with him, and when we next cut to them, Aidan is already chained up ready for torture. I’d have liked to have seen a little of the inevitable struggle that occurred between those scenes, but that’s a minor gripe, as the torture sequence – though not too gruesome – is well-handled, and it’s a joy to see Josh charging to Aidan’s rescue. What a shame, then, that Josh gets scratched by Liam in wolf-mode, and Aidan gets infected by a vial of vamp-diseased blood, after telling Liam that he killed Bryn (though it was Nora).

So: the annoying lingerie ghosts are real: Sally is rapidly decomposing; Max now knows she’s a zombie; Aidan is sick with the vampire flu; and Josh is about to embrace his inner wolf again. Welcome back, Being Human USA – I knew you were there, somewhere!

Josh (to the bloody lingerie girls): “I’m sorry, but I think you should go.”
Bloody Lingerie Girl: “And I think we should be unmurdered, you enabling, co-dependent ass-bag!”

Josh (exhibiting major house-envy): “You are going to die when you see the master bath. I almost spilled future generations just looking at it!”

Lee Harris

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Being Human USA is now airing in the UK on Watch, new episodes every Thursday at 9pm