Latest patch significantly improves the loading times on these first-party PS4 games

Close up on the face of Ellie from The Last of Us
(Image credit: Naughty Dog)

The latest patches applied to first-party Sony games Until Dawn and The Last of Us: Remastered have had a significant impact on how long the games take to load.

Before the patch was rolled out, it could take over a minute for The Last of Us: Remastered to load in for the first time. Now, however, it seems that the game will load in less than 14 seconds.

Here, check out ElAnalistaDeBits' video which gives a side-by-side comparison of exactly how big the difference is:

But The Last of Us: Remastered isn't the only game to have seen a big boost to loading speeds. According to this tweet, the update – thought to have been rolled out in a bid to improve backwards compatibility of PS4 games on the upcoming PS5 – has all but removed loading screens in Until Dawn completely (thanks, VGC).

We're now weeks away from the PS5 launch, and we finally have all the details for Sony's next-gen console, including an amazing look at the PS5 UI at last. That joins info on the PS5 price, the PS5 launch games, and that all-important release date. For more, check out our guide to everything we know so far about the PS5.

Sony recently added a new icon to the PS4's Friend List that indicates what console your pals are currently playing on.

Take another look ahead at what's to come with our guide to upcoming PS5 games.

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, GamesRadar+

Vikki Blake is GamesRadar+'s Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.