GR's Best Custom Videos of 2009

Halo Wars in 90 seconds(Mar 5, 2009)

Batman: Arkham Asylum in 90 seconds(Aug 26, 2009)

Halo 3: ODST in 90 seconds(Sep 24, 2009)

Modern Warfare 2 in 90 seconds(Nov 12, 2009)

Kingdom Hearts: the story so far(Sep 22, 2009)

Modern Warfare: The story so far(Nov 10, 2009)

And for fun, this was pretty much the story of Resident Evil 5. Ya know, just saying…

Resident Evil 5 awkward silence(May 6, 2009)

Next page: Boobs, blood, …butts?

Lizzie Cuevas
GamesRadar Verdict: [ 8 ] Great You'll love: + Stunning graphics + Impressive AI + Replay value You'll hate: - Getting your ass beat at Halo - Jealousy - Heartbreak