Everyday gaming phrases that mean something very different to non-gamers

Bloom lighting

Gamers know it refers to: A high dynamic range lighting effect whereby a soft glow emanates from a brightly lit object, affecting the objects and characters around it.

Non-gamers think it means: Hydroponic lighting kits. Like the ones commonly used to grow marijuana.

Clipping error

Gamers know it refers to: An in-game glitch which results in erroneous collision detection between two objects, perhaps causing a character to walk through a wall or fall through a platform.

Non-gamers think it means: A bad haircut.


Gamers know it refers to: A shot fired from an in-game gun or other projectile weapon which precisely strikes the cranium of an enemy or opposing player, more often than not resulting in an instant kill.

Non-gamers think it means: Those cheesy close-up photos that actors have in their resumes, that usually turn up alongside a load of low-profile TV soap credits in order to make them look all moody and serious in the programme for a panto.

Spawn point

Gamers know it refers to: A designated location within a multiplayer map at which eliminated players return to the game.

Non-gamers think it means: A pond.

Co-op campaign

Gamers know it refers to: A dedicated narrative selection of levels designed specifically for simultaneous co-operative play between two or more players, accessed and played separately from the games single-player component.

Non-gamers think it means: The advertising and promotional materials for a chain of shops or businesses owned by the customers who fund it.


Gamers know it refers to: The process of removing and reassigning an RPG characters manually-allocated experience points in order to unlock a different skillset.

Non-gamers think it means: An eye test.

Ghost data

Gamers know it refers to: The recorded performance of a player, depicted in-game for practice purposes.

Non-gamers think it means: The findings of a paranormal investigator.

Shoulder buttons

Gamers know it refers to: The buttons or triggers on the top or underside of a joypad.

Non-gamers think it means: Epaulets

Cloud storage

Gamers know it refers to: The ability to upload game saves and other important data to a central server, as back-up against any potential malfunction of a local hard-drive.

Non-gamers think it means: A rain conservation barrel.

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.