Whose co-op is best?

Final Verdict

After playing through this holiday’s outstanding selection of co-op games, I have to give the nod to Left 4 Dead for providing the most consistently enjoyable experience. Left 4 Dead hits all the right notes. It’s easy to pick up and play, but develops by stages as new weapons and enemies are introduced. Teamwork and player interaction are vital, and add to the satisfaction of clearing a stage. The minute details create an organic setting that feels uncomfortably real. Each chapter fluidly escalates to a crescendo of gore-drenched fury as the players struggle to hang on till their saviors arrive to whisk them away to safety. By the end of it, you feel a real sense of camaraderie with your teammates. The only negative anyone could come up with was wanting more. Propers to Valve for creating the best co-op experience in a holiday season crowded with top-notch titles.