Cube - hands-on

To impede your progress, various obstacles appear throughout each level. As you might expect, the usual suspects are present: moving platforms, bombs, spikes and switches, to name a few. Some of thehazards are straightforward, like spiky balls rotating around a block that require careful timing to avoid. The majority, though, are more puzzle-like in nature, like movable blocks that must be arranged in order and with careful timing to clear a path to safety.

The different types of obstacles are numerous, and although there's an extensive set of tutorial levels, we actually found it difficult to keep track of what to do with each of the special blocks or items when thrown into the regular levels. To add to the difficulty, each level has a time limit, and the object, of course, is to get the fastest time possible.

With three modes of difficulty, puzzles range from simple to frustratingly complex. A level designer is also included, so you can create your ownimpossibly crazylevels from scratch and send them to friends.

Cube hits stores on April 24, so make sureto check back for our review in the coming weeks.

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