Sony knows you want in-game XMB

Dec 14, 2007

Sony Computer Entertainment has acknowledged that in-game integration of the PS3's Cross Media Bar (XMB) is one of the console's most requested features.

Speaking to ShackNews, PSN boss Eric Lempel told said that in-game integration of the XMB is thankfully high on Sony's priority list.

"We are looking at a number of enhancements related to accessing some of the XMB features during gameplay, including messaging your friends," he said. "While there's no timeline to announce at this point, we've heard loud and clear from consumers that in-game XMB access is one of the most requested PS3 enhancements."

At the moment there's no real way to access PSN friends lists and messages without quitting into the PS3's main menu. Hopefully that should change in the future.

It has to really. Xbox 360 has been doing in-game messaging and matchmaking sincethe originalXbox. It's not like you didn't know it was a popular feature.

Courtesy of CVG.