Reminder: Total Film Has A New Online Home Later This Month

There’s a solid chance you’ve heard about the big changes afoot at and . In case you somehow missed it, here’s the headline news: we’re moving to a dedicated section of the whopping big entertainment portal .

If you can't wait a few more days, there are some of our features up there already, so please check out articles like this horror movie gallery. And SFX 's Doctor Who reviews are already live right now.

Of course, if you enjoy chatting with your chums on Total Film , contributing to movie discussions and sending us your thoughts on the latest trailers, you can still do all that, because nothing is changing in our social media channels. That's right, Facebook , Twitter , email and the rest, that's all still there. You can still use the same online store to buy mags too. That's all still unchanged.

But for news, reviews and features we'll be making the leap to the week after next. Sure, we’ll be very sad to say goodbye to – a site that we’re all immensely proud of. Thank you to everybody who's worked on it and supported it over the years. But the internet is evolving fast and GamesRadar is designed to take us into the future as well as delivering an excellent platform if you like to read reviews on your mobile phone or tablet. Plus it means you'll get access – only if you want it! – to TV and book articles from SFX and games articles from GamesRadar . It's all adding to the mix giving you more choice than ever. And all this will be ready later this month as we throw ourselves into the new universe.

We realise it’s going to take some getting used to, but really it's only a different URL and a new look. This community that's grown over the years and was accustomed to playing film title games with the gang on Twitter or Facebook can still do that. And we hope you’ll join us at GamesRadar , to make our section a thriving place for film fans to hang out.

PS. Total Film and SFX print and digital magazines remain completely unaffected by the changes online. Look out for Total Film issue 226, in shops and on your iPad now!

The Total Film team are made up of the finest minds in all of film journalism. They are: Editor Jane Crowther, Deputy Editor Matt Maytum, Reviews Ed Matthew Leyland, News Editor Jordan Farley, and Online Editor Emily Murray. Expect exclusive news, reviews, features, and more from the team behind the smarter movie magazine.