Playing well with others

After cutting our teeth on a few battles, it was time to go artifact hunting. Artifacts are great fodder for exchanging with scientists and traders, but they also provide valuable buffs when equipped. Formed inside the various anomalies that litter the Zone, artifacts often take on properties of the anomaly that formed them. For example, one of the artifacts we secured was the Flash artifact. Produced by a lightning anomaly, Flash looks like a sparking electric jewel. When equipped, the artifact improves stamina and provides resistance to electricity, but lowers radiation resistance.

As the game progresses, how you deal with each of the competing factions and NPCs in the game ultimately becomes more and more important. There are actually seven different endings for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., two "true" endings and five "false" endings. Which ending you get, depends on completing objectives but also on the style of play. Moral hero or downright bastard... the choice is up to you.

Be sure to check outyesterday's coverage where we detail S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s combat, and why it's sometimes smarter to avoid a fight. Discover what motivates the NPCs by reading a description of the game's complexA-Life systemor compare the game's impressive visuals to reality as we take a trip throughthe real life "Zone" surrounding Chernobyl. Don't forget to check back tomorrow when we wrap up coverage on this impressive title.