Jericho - video breakdown


"Jericho's successful defeat of Vicus' pets moves them closer to removing the insatiable Governor from power."

There's nothing to this level but Vicus. He's about 500 pounds, hanging from meat hooks and has a huge rip in his stomach that opens up and blasts blood at you. It's really nasty, especially once you kill him and zoom all up in his junk and see how much detail they put into his guts. Hence the name.

Oh and there's another giant from the last level in the room too, only completely armored this time. Enjoy!


"Black and Jones are united. The urn containing Antadurunnu's flesh is near...."

Not sure what an Antadurunnu is, but this level is quite short. There's some kind of mummy-man standing in fire blasting spells your way, but after he takes enough damage he retreats inside his tomb, which ends up grinding him like a juicer, spilling his blood into a pile that forms into an enemy. This happens again and again, and it seems like an endless cycle, until you switch to Jones and body-swap up to some nailed-to-the-wall enemies and flip a switch that opens the tomb, revealing what we assume is Antadurunnu.

Another boss down, another jump through time to the next area. Jericho is still set for a fall release (right now we're looking at 10/1), but with all the hustle and bustle of the season, this ghastly blaster could easily be overlooked. Our pre-review verdict is "don't miss this." It's no reinventing anything, but damn is it fun.


"Jericho's successful defeat of Vicus' pets moves them closer to removing the insatiable Governor from power."

There's nothing to this level but Vicus. He's about 500 pounds, hanging from meat hooks and has a huge rip in his stomach that opens up and blasts blood at you. It's really nasty, especially once you kill him and zoom all up in his junk and see how much detail they put into his guts. Hence the name.

Oh and there's another giant from the last level in the room too, only completely armored this time. Enjoy!


"Black and Jones are united. The urn containing Antadurunnu's flesh is near...."

Not sure what an Antadurunnu is, but this level is quite short. There's some kind of mummy-man standing in fire blasting spells your way, but after he takes enough damage he retreats inside his tomb, which ends up grinding him like a juicer, spilling his blood into a pile that forms into an enemy. This happens again and again, and it seems like an endless cycle, until you switch to Jones and body-swap up to some nailed-to-the-wall enemies and flip a switch that opens the tomb, revealing what we assume is Antadurunnu.

Another boss down, another jump through time to the next area. Jericho is still set for a fall release (right now we're looking at 10/1), but with all the hustle and bustle of the season, this ghastly blaster could easily be overlooked. Our pre-review verdict is "don't miss this." It's no reinventing anything, but damn is it fun.

Brett Elston

A fomer Executive Editor at GamesRadar, Brett also contributed content to many other Future gaming publications including Nintendo Power, PC Gamer and Official Xbox Magazine. Brett has worked at Capcom in several senior roles, is an experienced podcaster, and now works as a Senior Manager of Content Communications at PlayStation SIE.