How classic old games would be marketed today

As it was marketed in 1989

Ah, good old Tetris. Has there ever been a game with as rampant a one-more-go factor? Unless you count having a heavy crack habit as a game (instantly appealing gameplay, short lifespan, minimal replay value, 5/10) then the chances are, no. The constantly gratifying line destruction. The all-or-nothing tension of waiting for the long block to complete your meticulously-planned tetris. The increasing obsession with that much-needed geometry, that projects bricks onto the inside of your eyelids and haunts your every dream.

As it would be marketed now

As it would be marketed now

As it would be marketed now

As it would be marketed now

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.