Halo 3 Beta - Live Impressions

11:50 PM: A little perspective to wrap things up. We play most every shooter that comes out – it’s our job. So when Halo 3 can’t match the graphics of Gears, we’re disappointed. When it can’t innovate like GRAW, we’re disappointed. When its crazy new stuff isn’t as crazy as a giant robot like in Lost Planet, we’re disappointed. But we just finished talking to one of the waiters at the restaurant here. He’s a true blue Halo fanboy and he was ecstatic. For him, it didn’t matter if Halo 3 reinvented the next gen wheel. He was just happy to see his favorite game back, with an improved look and some seriously exciting changes. As he so eloquently put it, “If the s**t ain’t f***ing broke, don’t fix it. Just add some more cool s**t.” He isn’t wrong - this is all alot of people needed. But what about the rest of us?

We're done for tonight, but we'll be back with an explosion of coverage on Monday. Check back throughout the week for new videos, new impressions and new features on the only game anyone's talking about right now. And if you liked this live report, you'll definitely want to be with us on the day of the beta launch - Wednesday, May 16 - as we'll be doing it all over again. Except this time, it'll be for 24 hours straight (yup, 24 hours) and we'll be getting annihilated by some of you.

See you then! Good night!