Oh crap... Did the Uncharted film's writer nearly lose the script?

As of this week we have an Uncharted movie script from writer Joe Carnahan who posted the front page on Instagram, calling it a "beast."

However, there was already clearly one adventure behind him if you check his twitter account. Specifically these few posts that appear just before the reveal of the finished script...

Final Draft is a piece of screenwriting software by the way. You know the sort of thing you use to write scripts.

Ten pages sounds like a lot...

Asking for help was having mixed results...

This... could be going better. 

Wait. I think it's okay...

And then, later that day, Joe tweeted out a link to his instagram post announcing the finished script:  

So, 'phew' basically. Remember guys, always save your work regularly. 

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Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.