F.E.A.R. 3 Alma Dolls and Psychic Link Guide

Interval 3 – Store

Psychic Link #1 – As soon as the level starts look to your left to see a trail of blood. Follow it through the broken sliding doors and into a corner near the entrance.

Psychic Link #2 – You’ll climb around on the upper level of the warehouse store shelves, moving along ladders and past strange altar looking things. When you drop down and turn to the right you will see some double doors. Walk towards them and turn to the left to see a mostly closed shutter with a green button nearby. Press the button to open the shutter and go inside to find this body and some pistol ammo.

Psychic Link #3 – When you walk into the men’s bathroom this body will be on the floor right in front of you and is quite hard to miss.

Psychic Link #4 – As soon as you enter the second warehouse a whole bunch of debris will rain down from above. Walk forward, ignoring the stairs going up to your left, and examine the corpse just up ahead.

Psychic Link #5 – To progress in this warehouse you will have to climb up to the top of this room. Once you cross the ladders and then follow the makeshift ramp up to the top, stop before crossing the ladder up here. Look down towards the floor and drop down onto the ladder on the right. Turn around and walk into the shipping container to find this body.

If there is no corpse to be found there then you need to find it nearby. Walk to the other end of this container and use the ladder here to cross the gap. Exit this container out the back, going down the small ramp, and then start walking to the right. Down this small corridor you can find this corpse under the shelves to your right.

Alma Doll 3

Take note that the doll might not always be here but we have yet to find its secondary spawn spot. With that in mind if you’re going for the doll just keep on reloading the level. It’s kind of annoying but as there are basically no enemies between you and this area so getting back here should be super quick.

Psychic Link #6 – As you walk through the TV display room keep your eyes on your left side. As you go you will see a body underneath a pallet with a bunch of televisions, tucked away to your left. This occurs about halfway through your walk through the darkened showcase area. Link with it and keep moving.

If the body isn’t here then it will actually appear after #7. After moving through the crawlspace that takes you to the blocked off exit this body will be on the floor right in front of you. Grab it and the submachine gun near it to ready yourself for the fight.

Psychic Link #7 – While moving through the little crawlspace that takes you to the exit of the display room you will see this body straight ahead of you. Grab it before dropping out.

Psychic Link #8 – After a good long while of walking you will find yourself dodging a shelving unit that falls down on top of you. Run forward to dodge it and be ready for trouble. Enemies are going to be attacking soon. Turn to the left and walk forward, watching the left side. You should see a cannibal… zombie… guy munching on this psychic link, on the floor inside one of the freezers.

Psychic Link #9 – By this point you will have to gun down a whole bunch of these weird zombie things. After that you walk through some more refrigeration units. In the middle of the last row of them before entering the final freezer (with the two zombies playing dead) you can find this corpse stuck inside of the shelving area. Just go into the middle and look around a bit for it.

Psychic Link #10 – Once you’ve cleaned out the refrigeration area you will step out of the freezer into a hallway. To your right is another shutter with a green button near it. Press the button, turn to the left and get the body lying in the hallway.

If the body isn’t there leave the shuttered hallway and continue forward. You will leave the refrigerators behind and end up in an office space. Walk to the end of the hallway, turn to the left to continue forward and open the first door on your right. The corpse is right in front of you.

Psychic Link #11 – Leave that office and go continue down the hallways. Before you reach the far door go through the second door on your left to enter a human resources office. This corpse is right in front of you, near the desk.

Psychic Link #12 – Upon exiting out into a landscaping part of the market you will hear radio chatter from the choppa’s as well as Fettel warning you about the suicide bombers.

Right in front of you, on the ground, is the next body.

If it’s not there then it’s definitely close by. Move forward slowly, kill the two bombers and then go down the next aisle to find the corpse out in the open.

Psychic Link #13 – You will fight through a huge group of zombies to reach a meat locker. Pass through the locker into a kitchen looking area. In here you can find the body slumped over a counter near the exit. If it’s not on the counter itself it will be on the floor somewhere nearby.

Psychic Link #14 – This body is found lying right in front of the ramp that leads into the “mouth of madness” room. In front of the ramp is an ammo box with a pair of uzi’s in it as well as some grenades. Since the body is right out in the open in front of the ammo box it’s pretty hard to miss.

Psychic Link #15 – The soldiers will burst into the “mouth of madness” room, ready to tear you a new one once you kill all the cultists. Take them out and leave the room the way they came in. Here go for the door on your left, the body will be inside in a random position. Just be mindful of all the chaos on the way out.

Freelance Writer

Daniel is a freelance games journalist, but is also the Editor-in-Chief at Gaming Excellence.