101 Greatest Gaming Moments: Final Day

6 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Link grows up
Many people would say that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever. But, again, we stress that this isn't a list of the best games ever - it's the best gaming moments. So what is the standout moment in this brilliant game?

We were considering the moments before the final battle, when Link rides towards the castle with storm clouds overhead, or when you first get your horse, Epona. However, we finally agreed on the moment you 'grow up' and change from child to young adult.

Above: Link finds the Master Sword and becomes an adult - a moment no one who played it will ever forget

Link brings the three sacred stones to the Temple of Time and enters the room with the master sword. Upon wielding it, a voice calls him and tells him not to be alarmed, for his soul has been held for seven years and he is no longer a child.

The game changes from this point on and, stepping back into the town square, you realize what was once a place of joy and life is now desolate, with zombie-like monsters shuffling through the broken streets. This is where it gets serious - and it's a truly powerful gaming moment.

Above: Link finds the Master Sword and becomes an adult - a moment no one who played it will ever forget

Link brings the three sacred stones to the Temple of Time and enters the room with the master sword. Upon wielding it, a voice calls him and tells him not to be alarmed, for his soul has been held for seven years and he is no longer a child.

The game changes from this point on and, stepping back into the town square, you realize what was once a place of joy and life is now desolate, with zombie-like monsters shuffling through the broken streets. This is where it gets serious - and it's a truly powerful gaming moment.