Superman Returns updated impressions

There are nine major villains Superman can fight it out with, but we only got a chance to see an original creation just for this game named Overcast. This creep served as kind of a tutorial boss to get Superman familiar with the basics of hand-to-hand combat and acquaint the player with the mechanics of battling a super-sized villain. After a couple of punches, Overcast tires of tackling the man of steel in a fair fight and super-sizes himself, growing to a height of several stories. This changes Superman's rules of engagement a bit, as punches no longer pack the wallop required to fell Overcast, so he has to switch to picking up chunks of debris and chucking them at the giant menace.

Above: Freeze breath. Ten bucks says some guy at Mentos just got a great idea for a commercial.

At about 40% complete - which means we really should have seen some legit screens by now, but whatever - Superman Returns already looks like it could be the best Superman game yet... of course, given the lousy Superman games of the past, that's not saying a whole lot. Still, we'll be looking forward to mackin' on Lois Lane this fall just the same.