Objects of Gaming Hate

Forum fights

Don’t get us wrong. We don’t agree with Jack Thompson’s anti-gaming agenda. But while we find his arguments, that attempt to establish a causal link between violent videogames and school shootings, to be flimsy at best, he certainly has a knack for sticking it to gamers with some incendiary zingers.

Sure, we could whine and rail against Mr. Thompson’s derogatory remarks and fear-mongering tales about how our pastime will be the end of society as we know it, but you don’t need to read yet another article like that. Since we’re focusing on what we hate about gamers and the gaming industry this week, we thought we’d give the floor to our most loathed lawyer for a change. We’re calling a temporary truce in the name of our shared hatreds. Here are some things Thompson has said that we can actually sort of agree with.
