Halo 3 Beta Video Strategy Guide

Luckily, Spikers nearly always spawn in pairs in the maps we've seen. In the back of the base in Highground, you'll find a dark room where are the vehicles are parked. Inside, you'll find a pair of Spikers. Also, if you're in the back of the base, head up the stairs and corridors to the left as you move towards the front gate. On your way up you'll find another two Spikers. One is in a dark room with a generator, andthe otheris a little further up the ramp near the plank with the turret that hangs over the main gate.

In Snowbound, you'll find a pair of Spikers in the underground base near the line of turrets that marks the out-of-bounds area. The Spikers are perfect for scoring kills in Snowbounds tight tunnels.