You know games are taking over your life when...

You know games are taking over your life when... you start surveying streets as though they're levels from a game

Sometimes when you've got your head stuck firmly in a game it tends to stay there even when you're not playing. How many times have you instinctively surveyed a real-world street as though it was an extension of a game?

We know our game-drunk brain has habitually scanned the environment like a bespectacled, slightly overweight and pasty-faced commando: "Hmmmm. If we clamber up the exterior wall of McDonalds, shimmy along Starbucks' rooftop (taking care to avoid the anti-pigeon defences), and jump down using the low roof behind Gap, we could take cover in the shadowy doorway, stealth kill the approaching granny and make our getaway on the nearby bicycle that - we've noticed - has carelessly been left unsecured and unattended".

Think about it. Its verging on mental.

Matt Cundy
I don't have the energy to really hate anything properly. Most things I think are OK or inoffensively average. I do love quite a lot of stuff as well, though.