PT and Dead Space remade in Dreams proves it could be a secret horror hit

Update: There's also this smashing remake of the intro to Dead Space, created by Dreams community member Quinn Barnett. None of these creations are supposed to be shared yet since the Dreams beta is under a non-disclosure agreement, but since somebody else recorded and posted it, Barnett said it was fine if I shared their Dead Space remake here too.

We're nearly a month into the Dreams beta and things have taken a turn for the terrifyingly delightful. Though users must sign a non-disclosure agreement to participate, some gameplay snippets have inevitably slipped past the veil of silence - and fans of P.T. will be happy to see one in particular.

A little background: Dreams is the new PS4-exclusive project from LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway studio Media Molecule. The version of Dreams people are playing right now is focused exclusively on the game's creation tools, which let players make everything from music to abstract visual art projects to (wait for it) remakes of classic games. Is it too soon to call P.T. a classic? What am I saying, of course it isn't.

This recreation consists of one "loop" through the hallway. The tiny photorealistic details aren't all there (Fox Engine, we hardly knew ye before ye were relegated to life as the backbone of PES) but the atmosphere is. The final game will have more tools than are available in the beta - hopefully some intrepid soul will use them to recreate everything from Lisa to the talking fetus in the sink.

As a bonus, here's another game that's quite popular for fan remakes. Though there's something a little bit different this time. I present The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time starring Slender Link.

 It's a lovely recreation of Kokiri Forest and a sensible repurposing of the default humanoid Dreams model… but man, there is something very creepypasta about that leapin' longshanked Hero of Time. Gotta admit, I hope Nintendo skips Slender Link for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster. Not sure I want to see him popping up amongst the DLC challengers.

In the mood for some fun factoids? How about the fact that Dreams uses the Bubblebath engine? 

Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.