The Top 7... steps to becoming a videogame snob

Step 6 - Bitching about minute, trivial changes

We sure do love our franchises. And tradition. Oh, and we hate change. Never change anything. Because if you do, we'll hate it. So what if Konami claims it has a good reason to change Castlevania's beautiful artwork into run of the mill anime fodder? The point is someone changed something we love and therefore it's bad. Always.

Above: We lost this magnificent style for simplistic anime. Guess what has nothing to do with gameplay?

So, anytime the most minute of variances occurs in a series, an armada of gamers will descend upon unsuspecting message boards to register their undying hatred of Final Fantasy's newest hero or Metroid 's change into a first-person adventure.

And what usually happens in the end? None of these alterations affects the gameplay at all, or if it does, it's for the better. Would we all still be foaming at the mouth for Resident Evil 5 if the last one hadn't said "suck it" to the entire franchise? Doubt it, but no matter how many times things change and turn out just fine, we'll still have some kind of knee-jerk reaction to the even the smallest of adjustments.