The best Resident Evil Village mods

resident evil village mods
(Image credit: Capcom)

Getting the best Resident Evil Village mods is definitely worth the trouble. As may be expected from a story-driven game with a hyped-up giant vampire lady, there are some true gems to be found. Think of a guest appearance by Thomas the Tank Engine to a fly swatter that's not really meant to swat flies. Plus, we also found some very practical Resident Evil Village mods to upgrade your settings.

Although we're skipping the Resident Evil Village porn mod options for now, here are some of the most useful and most hilarious Resident Evil Village mods.

Resident Evil Village mod manager and FOV trainer

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

Whatever you're planning to inflict on the game, this manager and trainer is where you should start with Resident Evil Village mods. As the name suggests, this will manage all your mods, installing them and doing all the hard work of integrating them with your game files. All you have to to do is drag and drop the mods you want to use into the manager, let it do complicated stuff and then you can turn mods on and off and generally mess about with the game. 

Lazy FoV and vignette fix

Resident Evil Village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

This Resident Evil Village mod is great if you just want to improve your field of view and vignette settings. As often mentioned on forums, some players get motion sickness from Resident Evil's limited FoV. If you're one of them, download this handy mod to fix it. It comes with a handy slider to change your FoV and vignette settings in real time. You can also use a hotkey to turn it off during cutscenes.

Resident Evil Village baby Chris mod 

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

This is not the most practical Resident Evil Village mod, and not even one you'll see that much of. But if you want to swap Ethan and Mia's daughter Rose's head to that of Chris Redfield, then this absolutely the mod you need. Rose doesn't appear directly in a lot of the game but if you want to see a grown man's face attached to a baby's body then this will scratch that weird itch. 

Resident Evil Village Chris baby head mod 

resident evil village chris baby head mod

(Image credit: Activision)

What goes around comes around and if you can put Chris' head on a baby then the baby's head must go on Chris. This Resident Evil Village Chris baby head mod will put Ethan's daughter Rose's head on Redfield, creating some bizarre moments. The facial animation doesn't always translate, hence the 'angry baby' vibe you'll see most of the time. 

Resident Evil Village Lady X mod

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

This is a simple mod that will reskin Lady Dimitrescu to look a little more like Mr X from Resident Evil 2. It won't change anything else, just the skin and eyes of the game's poster star to look more 'X' like. Given how she follows you around the castle at a similar, slow steady pace, it's a fitting visual overhaul for the moment. 

Resident Evil Village Lady Wong mod

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

If you want to swap in a familiar face to the game, then this Resident Evil Village Lady Wong mod will replace Lady Dimitrescu's head with that of series regular Ada Wong. So that means you'll be chased around the house by a 10 foot Ada in a red dress. Not the red dress Ada usually wears, but I'm sure that's just a matter of time. 

Resident Evil Village Thomas the Tank Engine mod

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

Because it's the law, here's your Resident Evil Village Thomas the Tank Engine mod. Download the files and you'll be able to replace Lady Dimitrescu's face with that of Thomas the Tank Engine. You can also be chased by the daughters in the same form if you like that sort of thing - all while the a creepy echoey version of the theme tune plays. Install it and think about what you've done.  

Resident Evil Village Silent Hill nurses mod

resident evil village

(Image credit: Capcom)

This is a specific, but cool mod that will turn all the Castle basement enemies into Silent Hill nurses.  It's largely playing off the fact that the shuffling, lunging gait of the monster under the castle is similar to the fleshy nurses from the Konami games. It's a short but sweet cameo but a neat look at what a modern Silent Hill came could look like.  

Resident Evil Village fly swat mod

resident evil village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

Although some Resident Evil Village players may pretend to download the fly swatter mod to deal with Lady Dimitrescu's insecty daughters, that's not what it's actually used for. This reskinned knife has become a favorite amongst Lady Dimitrescu fans, and for good reason; it's the perfect tool for spanking. We'll say no more.

Spongebob paintings and photos mod

Resident Evil Village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

This one is for the Spongebob fans: nearly every painting or photo in Resident Evil Village gets replaced with artwork from Spongebob season one to three. So, if you don't like Lady Dimitrescu's current decoration choices, you can now restyle the castle with your favorite cartoon. 

Resident Evil Village Lady Dimitrescu's hat keeps getting bigger mod

Resident Evil Village mods

(Image credit: Capcom)

Practical? No. Immersive? Definitely not. Hilarious? Abso-freakin-lutely. This mod simply makes it so that every time you turn to look at Lady Dimitrescu, her hat is bigger than the last time you looked. Eventually, it'll take up the whole dang room. Sadly, the mod isn't available for download yet, but you can see it in action here.

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Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.