PS3 dev calls its own Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder "the worse game ever"

With a team of self-proclaimed "talentless drunkards,"iFun4Allcalls itself one of the worst developers in the world and says its games are pure crap. So why would you want to buy them?

The small startupbegan withCrap of Defense for the iPhone, which sold well and received positive reviews despite thesuggestive name. Following that success, the developer created Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder, whichreleases today on the PlayStation Network.It's a tower defense game with amatuer graphics, ear-wrenching music and crude controls. Hey, their words, not ours:

"In this dreadful tower defense game, you’ll be forced to wade through terrible art, music and tons of typos in order to obliterate a sea of poorly drawn and animated advancing enemy soldiers. Each crappy mission is more challenging than the last, and using special power-ups and weapons, you’ll be hard-pressed to rack up the requisite amount of 'killz' without letting enemies through your defenses to advance."

When you think about it, it's genius. It's like the nerdy kid in school who punches himself when bullies are approaching; it takes all the fun out of doing it yourself. If the developer declared, "This unique art style and addictively simple gameplay provides an amazing experience that gamers of any age - from 9 to 99 - can enjoy for hours on end," we'd mock it relentlessly. Instead they say how crap-ass their game is up front, beating us to the punch.In fact, we now feel compelled to say the game looks cool, just to be contradictory. Holy crap... they got us!

So, is this reverse psychology working on you? Or is this a case where someone puts themselves down so frequently and thoroughly that you start to believe they actually ARE horrible?

[Source:PlayStation Blog]

Feb 22, 2011

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So, is this reverse psychology working on you? Or is this a case where someone puts themselves down so frequently and thoroughly that you start to believe they actually ARE horrible?

[Source:PlayStation Blog]

Feb 22, 2011

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