Entering the Hot Zone

Back in the game world, the layout of Pripyat is different, but the look and feel is the same. Buildings are worn down and abandoned, and the Ferris Wheel sits there at the center of town, like a timeless guardian. Oddly, playing through the game almost seems less freakish, if only because the game world is populated with enemies and wild creatures. In real life Pripyat doesn't appear to have a single living soul…aside from those that venture in from time to time to tour the ruins.

As we prepared to leave the exclusion zone, the radioactive area that surrounds the disaster, feelings were equally mixed among relief and annoyance that the time in Chernobyl was so short. Ultimately, the trip to the reactor and through the contaminated area can only be described as surreal, especially after knowing what happened. It is that surreal atmosphere that GSC has captured for the game, making the world vivid enough to be a character in and of itself.

If you don't believe us, check outPC Gamer's story on the visit. And be sure to check back the rest of this week, when we take a look at the misshapen beasts that inhabit the game, as well as the Stalkers themselves.