Dawn of War: Soulstorm - hands-on

You'll need to collect Soul Essence from fallen soldiers. But while following your squads around to manually harvest them with a builder unit is a bit of a pain, there is an upgrade you can invest in to mine it at a slow but steady rate from your base.

Air units are also available for the first time. Hit and run tactics certainly add a new dimension to gameplay. But you shouldn't expect to see anything you haven't seen before in other games.

But even though we're not blown away by the recycled look of the Dark Eldar faction or the introduction of air units, we still want to play the final version. What can we say? We'll take W40K's battle hungry Orks over Warcraft's dull green horde faster than a peon can say "dabu." W40K's factions have always benefited from a history chock full of delicious details and background lore that makes their representations of canned sci-fi races more awesome than derivative.
