Animal Crossing: New Horizons player discovers a special leap year birthday message

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons villagers have a special dialogue with players who have leap year birthdays, according to a Reddit user with the disappearing birth date.

It's my leap year (non) bday and ACNH made it so special from r/AnimalCrossing

Last year was a leap year, so those who have February 29 birthdays were treated to your typical Animal Crossing: New Horizons birthday celebration. Leap years happen once every four years and add an extra day to the shortest month on the calendar, making a February 29 birthday an incredibly special - and also frustrating - day to be born. It's frustrating since every three years you don't technically have a birthday, and most leap year babies will celebrate the day before on February 29 or the day after on March 1.

But in 2021, according to Reddit user and leap year baby AFanOfStickers, the villagers have special dialogue tailored to the lack of a February 29. At their birthday celebration, Butch tells them "We had to throw your birthday party early since this ain't a leap year." And Olaf makes a Dad joke: "I hope you get four times as many gifts, awooo! And I hope you only have to hear that joke once again."

The leap year birthday dialogue is another example of the small, thoughtful details that make Animal Crossing: New Horizons special. Almost a year after its release, it's still surprising us with how many details are tucked away in the game, just waiting to be discovered.

Speaking of, an Animal Crossing: New Horizons player just discovered they can control the Football fish from outside of their tank.

Alyssa Mercante

Alyssa Mercante is an editor and features writer at GamesRadar based out of Brooklyn, NY. Prior to entering the industry, she got her Masters's degree in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Newcastle University with a dissertation focusing on contemporary indie games. She spends most of her time playing competitive shooters and in-depth RPGs and was recently on a PAX Panel about the best bars in video games. In her spare time Alyssa rescues cats, practices her Italian, and plays soccer.