The man with the Okami tattoo...

Extreme shenanigans
Tattoos are no longer the body adornment of just sailors and prostitutes. Many an average Joe will happily brand himself in the name of fashion. And what better way to show your love for a game character than to have them plastered all over your body?

From a full-arm tattoo of all things Nintendo to a totem pole-style homage to 30 years of gaming, extreme gaming fans are lining up to dedicate a piece of flesh to their true love. One girl’s set up a photo diary of the painful-looking process of having half her arm emblazoned with a Katamari love-in. And you've gotta love anyone that can get a full Pac-Man scene painted across his arse.

Above: Ouch! This kind of gaming dedication looks painful

Long-term damage?
You may have a great picture in your mind of how that full-arm tattoo of Mario and Luigi is going to look but make sure the tattoo artist is up to the job. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with a couple of indiscernible moustached blobs on your arm.