PokemonRadar, Week 14

Pokemon Name: Enperuto
Type: Water / Steel
Classification: Emperor
Pokedex Number: 009 Sinnoh / 395 National
Ability: Torrent - Increases the power of Water-type attacks when HP is low
Location Found: Evolved from Pottaishi
Useful Attacks: Drill Peck

The mystery of Pottaishi's Metal Claw attack is solved at last - Enperuto, Pocchama's final evolution, has a secondary Steel type. The crown-like protrusion growing from Pottaishi's beak has spread to cover its entire body in an impenetrable and regal body armor. While Enperuto is slow-moving and has a fairly limited repertoire of powerful moves, its impressive HP, defense and Steel type allow it to take a lot of punishment.

To see all three of this week's Pokemon in action, hit the Movies tab, launch the video player, and find " PokemonRadar Week 14 - Dotaitosu, Goukazaru, Enperuto 02-02-07."