Twelve sequels we actually want

Game needing a sequel: Gears Of War

Original game format: Xbox 360

Why it needs a sequel: Okay, so this one's obvious. And yes, we pretty much know it's coming. But the reasons for a Gears Of War 2 are bigger than the simple fact that the first one was a huge hit. You see, as great as it was, GOW can definitely be improved upon. Being the first game developed with Epic's Unreal Engine 3, there was a lot to workto do while making Gears above and beyond just sorting out the gameplay. As a result, it can be argued that although great, the game is a little one-note at times and could definitely have been better had more resources been availably purely for its design.

Gears Of War 2 will hit the ground running. The tech is all in place, the devs know how to use it, and all that needs to be one is to design a game around it. As such, we're looking forward to it even more than we did the first one, and we're expecting even greater things.

What we want from a sequel: More variety all round, essentially. While we don't exactly want it to turn into a platform RPG with multiplayer minigames, we'd definitely like things shaken up a bit now that Epic has more time on it's hands. New weapons are a must as long as they're well-balanced, and we wouldn't mind some more vehicular combat either. A less linear level layout would also be a definite improvement, and we'd like some wider skirmish areas to fight in and maybe a few more command options for the squad too.

What we want from a sequel: More variety all round, essentially. While we don't exactly want it to turn into a platform RPG with multiplayer minigames, we'd definitely like things shaken up a bit now that Epic has more time on it's hands. New weapons are a must as long as they're well-balanced, and we wouldn't mind some more vehicular combat either. A less linear level layout would also be a definite improvement, and we'd like some wider skirmish areasto fight in and maybe a few more command options for the squad too.

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.