Kids review the darndest games!

It would’ve been too painful to continue to let generation Next trounce the sacred memories of our favorite games of yore. But what about a significant update to a title that’s already withstood the test of time? Would a younger demo solidify our 10 out of 10 for Street Fighter IV, or mock the 15 year investment?

GameRadar: Do you recognize any of these characters?

Both: No.

GR: What about this guy?

Spencer: Is that The Hulk?

GR: No, that’s Blanka.

Marcus: They’re pretty funny.

S: Funny death animations. [As an electrified Blanka] Kamehameha!

Above: Totally serious!

GR: How about the music?

M: I like it.

S: It’s laughable.

GR: Would you by this?

M: It’s pretty fun…

S: But not the buy kind offun.

M: It’s a bit of a button masher.

Above: *Sigh* The Button Masher…

GR: What do you like best about the game?

M: Some of the special moves are really cool.

S: The death animations.

M: It’s still pretty exciting.

GR: Agreed. What don’t you like about?

S: Sometimes moves come out randomly and drain your health halfway. Kinda cheap.

M: Some of the characters have far advantages over others.