Gears of War 3 beta: the new executions

Our passion for crushing skulls and tearing limbs has been properly renewed since theGears 3beta went live last week. Not only is there a new batch of delightfully brutal weapons to slaughter your foes with, but some of the classics like the Lancer and Hammerburst have been given fresh execution animations as well. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve compiled all the new executions the beta has to offer at this point.

So sit back and enjoy 15 more reasons why Gears of War thoroughly deserves its M rating.

The beta runs until May 15, with the full game set to ship September 20.

April 27, 2011

What it looks like to FINISH HIM 238 times

Inconsistent character profiles make us flip out with nerd rage

Three maps, two modes and one incredibly badass bayonet kill