Funcom: From MMOGs, with love

There are people who believe WoW has had a negative impact as millions are playing purely Blizzard's game and ignoring new titles released. What's your take on that opinion?

I can certainly understand that perspective, but I would only be speculating if I commented on the validity of it. From personal experience, though, I can confirm that when you start playing these games you simply do not have the time to focus as much on other games. It's a type of game that does often require a high level of commitment, and that does not harmonize very well with playing other games when you're trying to lead a real life at the same time.

But I also hope that it gets more people hooked on computer games in general and that it expands the market, and for Age of Conan, we're developing a game that is enjoyable for casual gamers that need time for other things.