BioShock dev: DX10 offers nothing to gameplay

Nov 21, 2007

Martin Slater, lead programmer at 2K Australia which worked on the PC version of BioShock, has been speaking about DirectX 10 and how it "offers your gameplay nothing."

Reported on Kotaku, Slater spoke about DX10 while conducting a post-mortem of BioShock at the recent GameConnect 07.

"DirectX 10," he said, "probably for the next three, four, five years is not important to you. Microsoft are going to tell you everything under the sun differently. Everybody under the sun is going to tell you differently."

Slater's comment reminds us of Mark Rein's thoughts on DirectX 10, when the Epic boss told us earlier in the year he reckons we won't see it fully utilised in PC games until the next console generation.

"Consoles will pretty much define what the next five years of games look like on the PC", Rein said in July.

Slater, on a more positive note, went on to call DirectX 10 a beautiful place "for all your game programmers".


Courtesy of CVG