Behind the scenes: Bungie's new headquarters

Above: Think they ever play Call of Duty in here?

Above: Welcome to the glamorous world of games journalism

Above: A small room set aside for interviews

Above: Armor used in one of the Halo franchise's manylive-action advertisements. Yes, this is wearable!

Above: More armor and… boxes. Lots of boxes

Above: When I visited Bungie's last office building –photo tour here– this Oni poster was cleverly situated next to the women's restroom. What does placing her above the trash and recycling bins imply?

Above: Framed Halo concept art makes for a nice wall collage

Above: As do old magazine covers that celebrate the triumphs of your previous games

Above: Master Chief wants YOU… to learn Spanish

Above: This oversized Penny Arcade strip is displayed proudly in the halls of Bungie. Call me crazy, but I think the two-horned, three-armed, four-mouthed slug beast might be Microsoft. Ouch

Above: Believe it or not, this is Bungie. Everything you just saw is tucked away behind that generic outdoor mall façade. The door, in fact, is right above Gene Juarez's Salon & Spa… classy!

Nov 22, 2010

What visiting Halo's creators was like during the run-up to Reach

See where Toy Story 3 - and all of your happiest movie memories - were made

Want to know where Sims come from? Wonder no more

Charlie Barratt
I enjoy sunshine, the company of kittens and turning frowns upside down. I am also a fan of sarcasm. Let's be friends!