Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning set to give fantasy fans a guaranteed nerdgasm

Fantasy titles aren’t usually the sort of thing we get excited for, seeing as new ones are launching all the time and only a choice few manage to get it right. So what makes Reckoning worth your attention? Well how about the fact that Spawn’s Todd McFarlane, New York Times best seller R.A. Salvatore and Oblivion’s lead designer Ken Rolston are all working on it? If you don’t know at least one of those names your nerd card is officially revoked.

While its solid cast of contributors is noteworthy enough, the game is being backed by ex-Major League Baseball star Curt Schilling’s company 38 Studios. While one may wonder what interest a former pro athlete has in funding video games, Schilling has been playing fantasy MMOs since Ultima Online (he currently plays WoW), and has personally funded and organized leagues for his favorite tabletop game Advanced Squad Leader, so make no doubt the man holds a certified nerd pass.

Not a whole lot else has been said about the game, but if our predictions areaccurate, expect swords, armor, magic, skeletons, and weird-looking McFarlane beasts. Reckoning, a single player action RPG for PS3, 360 and PC, will begin its fight for fantasy genre dominance when it releases sometime in Fall 2011

July 22, 2010