Five games to get you through a war

Electroplankton| Nintendo | DS| 2005

Elektroplankton? In a war-themed game guide? What?! Electroplankton contains no conflict, no violence, very few difficult decisions, and certainly not a single head shot is to be found within its gameplay. In fact given all of that it%26rsquo;s barely even a game at all, but that you see, is exactly why it%26rsquo;s perfect for this list.

We live in a demanding and stressful world in which a simple Christmas shopping trip on a busy weekend can end in much screaming, tearing of hair, and a generally increased grudge against humanity, and that sort of experience is nothing compared to what goes on in a military war zone (usually). With bullets flying, shells exploding and tactical priorities ever shifting, war is a stressful thing indeed, and sometimes some unashamed relaxation is the only thing for it in order to stay sane. With all of the above either happening, or threatening to at any moment, it can be hard to get any chill time in at all, but this is where Electroplankton has got you covered.

Held within that DS cartridge is a big fat glimmering droplet of the purest ambient mellowness. With its none-more-simple interactions, dreamlike soundscapes and gently glowing pastel-toned visuals, Electroplankton whispers soft love messages into your ears and massages your weary eyeballs, all while providing an overwhelmingly relaxing sense of whimsical creativity. And best of all, with no real plot or objectives it can be dropped in and out of at random for an intense shot of calm whenever required. Truly a perfectly judged game for bringing stress levels down in those brief gaps in between air strikes.

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.