Enslaved E3 2010 trailer is insanely pretty, has rapidly growing pole

But ZOMG, eh? Yeah, ZOMG.

It's almost depressing when we get a game that looks like this. Because being as bright and colourful and eye-poppingly gorgeous as it all is, Enslaved instantly makes every other game we thought lookedgood appear incredibly drab. Yes, the likes of Mario and Ratchet give us a break from all the gritty monotony, but rarely do we get this kind of visual flair in a game of less cartoony ilk. Enslaved, we already want to hug you on principle.

It is then, a bit of a shame that this new trailer concentrates on background story and combatrather than the element that really got us interested in the first place, ie. Enslaved's acrobatic bodyguarding concept. As Monkey (and yes, his name, extending battle staff and the game's subtitle do mean that Enslaved is inspired by a certain16th century Chinese novel), it's your job to protect physically useless partner Trip.

Above: Oh go on then, have an old trailer as well

Rather than just bashing up kill-bots though, you'll be Prince of Persia-ing your way around huge city environments while also working out ways to get her around safely, via throwing, piggybacking, helping over ledges and solving environmental puzzles. Yep, it's PoP meets ICO, and with looks like this to boot, consider our eyebrows calibrated very much in the upper position.

What do you reckon? Excited to see more of Enslaved at E3 2010 next week? Or has something else caught your eye? Let us know in the comments, or projectyour opinions in the direction of ourFacebookandTwitterportals.

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.